Monday, August 13, 2012

Let's Get Organized - Mission 3

Mission 3 : GARAGE SALE

So of course when you start cleaning and organizing, you will come across items that you just don't use anymore, need or something you may use 3 years from now, but you just don't have a place for it.  GET RID OF IT!  I usually just give items away, but a lot of things I didn't need were brand new, a lot of clothes that don't fit me are still very cute and in good shape.  I decided to have a garage sale.  In my neighborhood, garage sales are HUGE.  I love going to them myself. 

I put together boxes of books, a tub of clothes, unused kitchen items : food processor (which was replaced by my magic bullet), small rice cooker (which was replaced by a larger rice cooker), measuring cups and spoons that had also been replaced by better ones (why do I need two sets of measuring spoons/cups?), craft items, my daughter's old toys, picture frames and beads from the jewelry business I'm now closing. 

I sold books for $.25 to $.50 each, clothes for $.50 each, small cooking appliances for $2 each.  The key is to keep prices low because the main idea is to get rid of it.  I didn't think that selling these items for so low would amount to me making $200! 

We made about $200 from selling these items that we don't use and are taking up space in our house.  We made money from selling our clutter!  Yes, we do have the leftover items that we didn't sell.  Am I having another garage sale?  No, but these items are not coming back into my house.  I am looking for a women's shelter and other great organizations to donate them to.  The key is to make sure I actually follow through and donate these items that are sitting outside my door.  *If you are interested, these places that take donations will give you a tax form that may qualify you for a tax write off. 
*I just can't understand why some people throw away valuable items that someone else may be able to use...especially more unfortunate people. 

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