Sunday, August 12, 2012

Let's Get Organized : Mission 2

Mission 2: Kitchen Counter-No space to prepare meals or cook!

Problem: #1One part of my kitchen counter is the first ledge when you walk in the door, so it serves as a place where mail, keys, waterbottles, candywrappers, and all kinds of junk accumulates. 
Besides that, when I cook, I always seem to leave something out, some spice, flour, sesame seeds, whatever.  So I vowed to myself to try to put things back in the cupboards immediately.

#2 On the other part of my kitchen counter is the toaster, and my coffee maker, creamer and sugar.  In the mornings my husband likes to make toast and I NEED to make my coffee.  Since they are right next to each other it's very irritating (mostly for me).  The most irritating thing was that the bread would always be placed on top of my cream and sugar containers to get it off of the counter space so that the counterspace can be used for toast.  Well, I never knew where to put the bread and it was always just floating around and moved in all different places.  Petty, yes, but irritating!

#3 To the left of my sink is where we keep the microwave, rice cooker, crockpot, spice rack, magic bullet (food processor), and dirty dishes that can't fit in the sink ( I know I'm so horrible!)  This corner just always looks so cluttered cuz it is!

Solution: #1 I moved the mail organizer to my desk in our bedroom and plan to pay bills, sort mail, etc.  This way mail and paper junk isn't the first thing you see when you walk in the door.
I have been pretty good about not piling junk on this counter as soon as I walk in.  (Don't ask me how the dining table looks, one step at a time, haha)  I have also been pretty diligent about putting my cooking supplies away as soon as I'm done with them to clear up my counter space.

*I have also added "Wipe counters" to my daily cleaning routine, right after washing dishes. =)
#2 I bought 3 nesting baskets a while ago because I knew I would use them and the smallest one fits the bread PERFECTLY!!!!  The bread now has a home and it's not on top of my creamer and sugar!
It seems silly, but makes me so happy in the morning.

#3  Why didn't I think of this earlier?  Do I need the crockpot on the counter at all times? NO.  Do I need the Magic Bullet on the counter at all times?  NO.   So, I found a place for them in a cabinet, almost directly underneath the place they used to be, so they are still easily accessible.  I thought this part would have been a pain when I did need them, but it really wasn't!  Yes, I have kept up with putting them back when I'm done with them.  The rice cooker stayed out because I use it every few days, and the spice rack looks so pretty in the corner, so that stayed also.  As for dirty dishes, still working on that part...

So all in all Tips of the Day:
  •  Change your bad habits into good ones.  Practice makes perfect.  As soon as I forced myself to put things away, it became a good habit.  
  • Find a permanent home for items that seem to "float" like my bread.  Baskets are great!  They look great and can hold a lot of items.
  • To clear up counters, put away (or hide as I like to put it) items that you don't use on a daily or almost daily basis.  Store them close to where you will use them so it's not such a hassle. 

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