Saturday, July 28, 2012

Salmon Italiana Recipe

My dad first introduced this recipe to me.  He makes it for potlucks and family parties, but I cook it once a month if I can.  It's such a flavorful and hearty dish that I just had to share.  I serve it with rice (as with most everything) and a green salad.

1. Salmon -enough steaks to line the bottom of a 9x13 in pan (Sorry don't pay attention to weight) I usually buy the individually packaged salmon steaks from Costco
*Season with lemon pepper or salt and pepper.  Stab the salmon with a fork all over so the fish soaks up all the flavors.  
2.  Italian Salad Dressing (not the creamy) 1/2-3/4 bottle *You want the salmon to be saturated in the dressing, not just a drizzle on top.
3.  Chopped Tomatoes (Roma is great) and Cilantro - enough to cover the fish
*I am not a huge fan of cilantro, but it really tastes great in this dish.  Not the same without it.
4. Shoyu or Soy sauce ( I just drizzle it in circles a few times over the fish)  Feel free to be generous, cuz it's such a complimentary flavor.  *I always drizzle it over when the fish is cooked and on my plate.

Let marinate for as long as you like.  Longer the better.  I have cooked it almost immediately and it's still good, but so much better when you let it marinate.  

Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of your fish.  Check at 20 minutes.

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